Useful resources

Inspire is the largest and longest established independent charity focusing on mental health and wellbeing services in Northern Ireland.

MindWise works to support those at risk of, and affected by, severe mental illness and mental health difficulties.

Praxis Care, is a major provider of services for adults and children with a learning disability, mental ill health, acquired brain injury and for older people, including people with dementia.

Action Mental Health
Action Mental Health aims to enhance the quality of life and employability of people with mental health needs or a learning disability.

Enabling recovery for people with complex mental health needs
Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Implementing recovery
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health

Implementing recovery paper
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health

Making recovery a reality
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health

Supporting recovery in mental health
Produced in association with centre for mental health

Ten Top Tips for recovery oriented practice
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health